Friday, May 17, 2013


In the last month many things have come up. The most important for the from last week for about a month are graduations. This is the time of year that young people and sometimes not so young people begin a new chapter in their lives. They have reached a new educational milestone be it a High School Diploma, an Associates Degree, a Certification for a vocation, a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree or a Doctoral Degree. Many individuals are meeting family educational standards and some are creating new family educational standards.

Years ago I read somewhere that children usually exceed one level above their parents. For me, my parents each completed high school and did not go further. All I needed was an Associates Degree. I finish my Bachelor's Degree in the 80s. Completed my Master's in 2000. and finally, my PhD in 2008. I far exceeded the family educational standards. This time of year families are celebrating these educational achievements. In the celebration, other family members are more than likely considering more education themselves. Even if some do not follow through with a plan, the standards are once again revisited.

I tip my cap to all of the graduates. For some it is, in the words of Dr. Seuss, "Oh the places you will go." For others, it with that that in addition to "Oh the places I have been." Celebrate your place today!

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