Sunday, January 25, 2015

American Sniper: Hero, Patriot or just big money for Hollywood?

The movie American Sniper is #1 at the box office once again. It aims to portray the effect war has on individuals and families. The reviews and audience reaction are good. What is not good is the debate over where the main character is a patriot or a psychotic killer.

Some in Hollywood have express the dislike for the film, like Michael Moore and Seth Rogen, saying that Chris Kyle was just a coward and a murderer. Others have countered this argument with Kyle begin a war hero, Sarah Palin and all at Fox News.

The director, Clint Eastwood, says he wanted to present how war is difficult it is for soldiers and families. The film is based on a true story, the film does not aim to be a true story of Chris Kyle. If that was the case, Chris Kyle’s book tour and his encounter with former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura would have been presented. Actually, that encounter was redacted from the book because it did not happen.

In all of debate, the movie studio continues to make money off of this story. That is all it is a story. What is lost is what truly happens to soldiers and their families as the result of war. These men and their families deserve much more respect than getting attention, political or otherwise, to get your name and agenda out.

Chris Kyle is one story, we have many other stories that need listening…

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