Friday, January 12, 2018

It was just a comment, right?

Trump made the "shithole" comment in an Oval Office meeting after lawmakers suggested restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations. According to Trump these are the shithole countries. The comment is inappropriate. He needs to apologize for the remark as soon as possible, wait, it is already too late to apologize. What is frightening to me is that the white house did not apologize in their statement regarding the comment.

Some media members also came to the defense of Trump’s inappropriate comment. Fox News Hosts Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters defended Trump’s comments. Carlson stated, “Why can’t he say that?” While, Watters argued that the "forgotten men and women" who make up the president's base would approve of the comment. This comment alarms me. It is one thing to defend the comment, but to say that a group of people would also approve is worse. The sad part about Watters remarks are they are true. It is one thing to have political base that would approve this racist comment, but for a Television News station to carry the same message is beyond shocking. Is agreeing with Trump’s comment just to get ratings or is it to get ratings and the news hosts agree with the comment.

I appreciate the president not holding back his opinions of minorities and immigrants. I am a Mexican American and in my life, I have dealt with racism, prejudice and discrimination. As an adult, I decided that I appreciated everyone’s opinion of people of color. The more I know how a person feels about me the more I know what to expect from them. I can deal with honesty, even if you do not like my ethnicity.

This comment was not a “hot mike” comment, it was intentional. The defense from these News hosts was also intentional. Trumps base is the Fox News Market. The comment and the coverage of this inappropriate comment reminds me of how far our country has not changed, even though some historical events might say we have make progress. Let’s be honest, we have not really made as much progress as we would like to think.

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