Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Politics and Television

Is it just me? Have you had too much of the presidential election already? I appreciate both candidates and their wanting to be our next leader. It just seems like this process has been going on for a really long time. I appreciate having news as soon as possible but sometimes I think it gets out of hand. I also grew up with the evening news and the local right after. There were no cable news networks on 24/7. Back then the new was presented in about 23 minutes not counting commercials. National news was read at 5:30 pm CDT. That was all we needed to know then. There would be an interruption of your regular programming when absolutely necessary. Otherwise the national and local news was not delivered until the evening. Now we can get news as soon as it happens and sometimes as it happens. Many time things are corrected later because some things were not verified so quickly. I think it is great that we have news and media when we want it. I just wonder how much do we really need. How much is news? How much do the cable networks want us to watch their news shows. We constantly hear phrases like, "coming up, later...," "in the next half hour...," "in the next hour..." Are certain pieces of new so important that I should wait for later, the next half hour, or the next hour? Or is it that the cable networks want me to hang on and watch their advertising? I think as people we need to be discriminating on what we choose to watch as news. Get the facts. That is the most important of any story. The fluff and the opinions are not always so important and sometimes, ok, many times biased. Again, just get the facts. Then form your own opinions and get away from the internet, the televison, your blackberry or iphone or smart phone and spend time with family or friends. Good Day friends!

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