Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tag !

Did you ever play “tag” when you were a child? Some may have called it “IT.” That was some much fun, the rules were simple. “Your it. No your it. He is it. She is it” Those were the phrases heard from the play ground. Well, now some school districts are banning the game. No more “tag” on the playground. The reasons have to do with not wanting accidents and the liability issue. Schools are worried about getting sued. Now why would some parent want to take a school or their staff to court because of the game of Tag. So far the game has not been blamed for mental issues. Wait… Maybe I should take a look at it. This could be a therapeutic questions in counseling. “So tell me, Did you play tag growing up? Are you still it?... I think we have found your problem.” Outlawing tag, what is next? Redefining what constitutes a hug? Oh, sorry, that has already been done. I think I have a solution. We could have children play tag on XBOX or Playstation. Of course, we keep redefining play on the play ground. They are taking the play out of playground. I believe these might be the same people who complain about childhood obesity. Wait, did I just make that connection. I am so sorry. Do you still play “tag”? I do. Your IT!

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