Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I have some thoughts about this Tea Party movement. I think it is great that Americans are taking advantage of free speech. It is one of the things that makes our country great. I have listened to their arguments and watch some election results last night. Some incumbents are out now. That is a good thing I believe.

A couple of things are interesting to me. 1. the movement is wants their country back and does not want big government. 2. there is little support for the current president. I say where was this movement three years ago? Where was the movement when the economy came crashing down? Where was this movement when the last administration took a balance budget and turned it in to a deficit in less than four years? How can the current president be judged on his job when over half of his time has been spent on economic recovery, which is slowly happening. How has this movement hijacked one cable news network? or has the cable news network hijacked a political movement? Just some thoughts.


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