Sunday, October 30, 2016

It is Rigged!!! or is it?

It is rigged!!!

The election is rigged! This is the new argument that Donald Trump is presenting to his supporters.
Elections are shaped by political ads and media every year. This is how politics work and have worked in the United States and other countries.

This Presidential Election is not different yet it is different. Political ads are all over the media and the News media is placing the usual biases in their reporting depend on the Network. Social media is different; the internet is different. How messages are delivered to supporters is different. The main difference that I have noticed, how supporters are taking in the news, media and the messages sent by their candidates. The system is rigged or biased, like usual. The key is how each candidate is using the system to get out their message. Check the sources of your messages this election year and go vote.

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