Friday, December 15, 2017

Alabama Votes?

Alabama’s special election for the vacated United States Senate seat had favorable results for the Democratic party. Many people across the country were surprised and happy with the results of this election. I am happy that Roy Moore did not win this election. I do not agree with his values and morals and the part of the Republican party that he represents. I am Doug Jones won. I am surprised and not so surprised with the margin of victory. Something close to 40 % of registered voters participated in this election. 671,151 people in Alabama voted for Jones. He won by 20,715 votes, 1.5% more than Roy Moore, a very close race. 650,436 votes went to Moore. I am concerned that the margin of victory was not larger. Over 650,000 Alabama voters agree with Roy Moore’s values and his behavior. This was a small victory for Democratic party and the State of Alabama. What worries me is that just over 48% of the voters that participated in this past Tuesday’s election voted the morals that Roy Moore believes. It is frightening…

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