Monday, December 25, 2017

A Wonderful Christmas Time

Many stories can be told at Christmas time. Hallmark, Lifetime, Up, ION, Freeform, depending on your cable provider. These stories have happy endings before some sort of conflict as we get to the ending. Some good stories and some great stories along with some good endings and some great endings. That is television. I like television movies.

When it comes to family and Christmas the stories can be great and have great endings and sometimes the stories are not so great and do not have happy endings. Last night my little family had a great story. We visited my Sister’s for a Pajama Party on Christmas eve. There were games like the one where you write down as many words about Christmas next to the letters from the alphabet. I had two minutes to write down words, I came up with ten, thanks to thinking of the song, twelve days of Christmas. I did not win, but it was fun. Next was some game where you unwrap Saran wrap that is in the shape of a ball. It is filled with goodies. My daughter won a lottery ticket, won $2. That is my usual. Last came the white elephant gift game. I held a couple of cool gifts for a while. The I stole one back, to have to move it to the right, oh well. I do like the Christmas oven mittens that I received, good times.

During the evening, caught up with my nieces and nephews and their children, family. I also caught up with my sister’s in-laws and their children, more family. Then there was my younger sister and her husband and family from his side, more family. I cannot forget that cousin that passed last week, her daughter, my second cousin, and her husband attended, more family. Good times.
One of the gifts that we received last night was a picture from my nieces and nephews, the Perez Kids. This picture included all of them with spouses and their children. This picture is a snapshot of who they have become over the years. Somewhere along life they grew up, matured, have families and are just amazing people. Now, I received others gift from my wife and daughter, my little family. My dog and I have a breakfast set and I have a Superman tie clip. Yes, I am a Superhero or at least can dress like one.

Having fun with family is not always easy. It takes work, it takes good communication, it takes forgiveness and takes appreciating the family that you have. Last night my time with our family was a great story. It was filled with visiting family. Filled with laughter, filled with good memories, good times. It was like watching a television movie with our own Christmas traditions. It is a great story unlike the alternative. It is a great story that continues…

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