Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Shopping, Last Minute…

December 23rd. Went to the mall for Christmas shopping today. It is two days to Christmas, so not last minute, I’d like to think. After spending 10 minutes on the expressway, the traffic slowed to a crawl nearing the cxit. This took about 15 minutes. Then to find parking another 15 minutes. Finally, an open space in all the traffic. Did not matter where I was parking, I knew I was going to walk around the mall store by store. Now to get to the stores. My phone counts steps. So far at 1500. Made a stop at Home Depot. Need to mow the lawn after shopping, depending on energy level.
First stop Macy’s, first floor found perfume for wife. Nothing for daughter. Second floor nothing interesting. Third floor men’s shop. Cologne, wife will get that for me, hopefully the one that comes with the free watch. Leaving Macy’s at 2300 steps. Walking through the mall, people all over looking for gifts like I am. One lady was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, did not know if I missed the contest or if she was the winner. Maybe, she is on her way to a Christmas party, I hope. Next stop, women’s clothing store #1, not much that my daughter might like here, should have brought her with me.2650 steps.
Passing several shops that sell shoes of all kinds, and kiosks that offered a massage, candles and some other holistic miracles that would change my life in so many ways, I continued my mission of finding gifts. Arrived at Dillard’s, first floor again perfume, got that already, cool. Then an assortment of handbags and then shoes, my wife has plenty, why would she want another pair of shoes or another handbag? Moving to the second floor, women’s clothing. They call this a sale? Did not find much for my daughter, again should have brought her. Found men’s cologne, there was one that came with a Yeti type mug? Like the mug, not sure I want that logo on it. Left Dillard’s 3915 steps. I am getting my steps in along with other people, that are moving quickly from store to store. Don’t they know that tomorrow is last minute shopping?
Now I go back to those shops that I passed along the way, in and out and then in and out. Several gift ideas, just not sure that I liked them for a gift. It would be great if the mall still had a bookstore? Last stop is Bath and Body works. Finally, a gift set that she would like and an extra gift for my wife, the last two in the store, lucky me. Mission accomplished, 5125 steps, now where did I park? Found it, 6500 steps. Next up tackling the lawn. That should be much easier.
Merry Christmas.

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