Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The NFL Culture or a Professional Workplace Environment

We all have the right to a safe and humane work environment. Especially in the professional world. Is the NFL different? Are the players in the NFL professionals? These are some issues that are not being talked about at this time. Is the NFL Culture so different from other professional cultures?


This incident between Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin is the discussion and debate in the world of sports at this moment. On one side, Incognito has been riding Martin about his toughness all season. This includes phone calls and text messages that are very personal, racist, and threatening.

On one side, Jonathan Martin left the team for his own personal reasons because of Martin's actions. Martin talked to his coach and has not returned to the team.

Is Richie Incognito a bully or a team leader? Is Jonathan Martin soft and going against team rules or the NFL culture? Should the two just fight it out?

I have not been a player in the NFL, I did play football as a teenager and do remember teams having bullies on and off the field. I also had bullies in elementary and middle school and even times there were bullies in High School.

It sound to me like this is a hostile work environment. One that a person can choose to not work in. If you ask some in the NFL, arguments support both sides. Ultimately, hazing and bullying is wrong no matter what. I believe NFL players are professional. The go to work just like other professionals. They should not have to work in a hostile environment. There may be a culture in the NFL and it is possible that part of that culture might need to change, particularly when some cannot do their job.

Martin is being called soft because he is Stanford Educated. Martin is being called soft because he did not make Incognito stop his harassment. Martin is being called soft because he did not fight back physically.

Martin is fighting back. He is standing up for himself by making an important statement. He is being the bigger Man by not physically fighting. Martin is a Man of High Character and Integrity. If you are professional football player, be professional.

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