Thursday, August 1, 2024

Happy Birthday to MTV!!!


Happy Birthday to MTV!!!

Music Television began August 1, 1981. I was in high school and getting to watch music videos changed music and changed the culture of young people. Not sure how my generation would be without it.

I Want My MTV! Happy Birthday To The Music Video Network (

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

History in real time

 The last two weeks have showed us history that will be studied in the future.

We had an attempted assassination on a presidential candidate.

Then we had the Democratic presidential nominee, an incumbent, decide to not run.

This opens us up to a possibility of the first woman president, that is African American.

So, is the country ready for a female president?

I would like to think yes, but I am not sure which side will come out to vote.

I know what I would like to see, and I hope we get to see even more history that will be studied in the future. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


This past weekend we witnessed the dysfunction of Washington, of the Republican controlled congress, of the President and of the Democratic Party. Our leaders in Washington were trying to make a deal. A deal with the author of the Art of the Deal. Meetings and meetings and no deal. Commercials and tweets blaming each other. Tweets applauding the other party, then tweets saying that they caved. That’s like a bully hitting you in the stomach then asking if you are ok. Then hitting you again.

Is the blame game for them or for their political base? Who looks better in this shutdown?

Part of the deal is what to do with DACA recipients. They should have nothing to do with the government shutdown. The border wall should have nothing to do with this shutdown. For whatever reason, both issues are part of the “Deal.” So, if no deal is reached by February 8th, who will be at fault?

The problem that I have is that if no deal is reached then nothing good comes of this for Dreamers or any progress, good or bad, on the border wall. I just hope that our leaders in Washington can resolve differences to keep the government going. I also hope that our leaders finally make decisions on DACA and immigration reform. Do something!!!

Friday, January 12, 2018

It was just a comment, right?

Trump made the "shithole" comment in an Oval Office meeting after lawmakers suggested restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations. According to Trump these are the shithole countries. The comment is inappropriate. He needs to apologize for the remark as soon as possible, wait, it is already too late to apologize. What is frightening to me is that the white house did not apologize in their statement regarding the comment.

Some media members also came to the defense of Trump’s inappropriate comment. Fox News Hosts Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters defended Trump’s comments. Carlson stated, “Why can’t he say that?” While, Watters argued that the "forgotten men and women" who make up the president's base would approve of the comment. This comment alarms me. It is one thing to defend the comment, but to say that a group of people would also approve is worse. The sad part about Watters remarks are they are true. It is one thing to have political base that would approve this racist comment, but for a Television News station to carry the same message is beyond shocking. Is agreeing with Trump’s comment just to get ratings or is it to get ratings and the news hosts agree with the comment.

I appreciate the president not holding back his opinions of minorities and immigrants. I am a Mexican American and in my life, I have dealt with racism, prejudice and discrimination. As an adult, I decided that I appreciated everyone’s opinion of people of color. The more I know how a person feels about me the more I know what to expect from them. I can deal with honesty, even if you do not like my ethnicity.

This comment was not a “hot mike” comment, it was intentional. The defense from these News hosts was also intentional. Trumps base is the Fox News Market. The comment and the coverage of this inappropriate comment reminds me of how far our country has not changed, even though some historical events might say we have make progress. Let’s be honest, we have not really made as much progress as we would like to think.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Bill of Love

Immigration reform, again, was the big news story today. President Trump met with Republicans and Democrats to discuss a solution for 700,000 people that might face deportation if Congress does not fix DACA. The meeting was streamed online as if it were a reality show. Don’t we already have C-SPAN?
The topic of Immigration always comes up when no other political issues need to be solved. This time a fix to DACA might be tied to a bill to avoid a government shutdown. Immigration has not be a political issue alone. The issue is raised before election for the House or the Senate or before the Presidential election. The issue is raised to either get votes from those who support immigration or to get votes from those that do not support immigration. Politicians will first take a side depending on the votes that they need. Politicians do not put the people affect by immigration reform or DACA.  

Now the issue is upfront for the next 10 days. It is an issue because of a government shutdown. Giving this issue only 10 days is all that will be given to this issue. Of course, this is the amount to time that the President and Congress believe is enough time to come up with solutions. Is the immigration issue give the same amount of time that the recently passed Tax Bill was given? I believe that it was more than 10 days. That was a “bill of love.”

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Build Me Up Buttercup

Build Me Up Buttercup
I took our new puppy, Butter Cup, to the vet this morning. My wife found something crawling in her poop. Not good for the pup, we have only had her for a couple of weeks. A Christmas gift for my wife and our dog, Bentley. He now has a friend to play games like chase you over there, pull this toy, and let’s find paper to shred. 

Buttercup and arrived a few minutes before the clinic opened, like a few others did. It was a cold morning so we waited in heated car. Buttercup did her usual thing, ok, one of her usual things, she cries when she is cold. I made sure to have my hand and arm for her to lean. After a couple of songs on the 80s station, she likes Men at Work, the clinic was not open.

I made sure to wrap Buttercup in a warm blanket, like a football. We walked into the clinic and I signed in for us. Buttercup is new to the clinic so there was some other information to fill out. Buttercup helped me fill in all of the blanks on the paperwork, actually, I made sure that she did not attempt to shred this paper since it was important. So then came the waiting.

There were other dogs with their owners, some big dogs and some medium dogs. Buttercup is tiny compared to them, she is a chiweenie and only three months old. Buttercup did receive compliments from other owners for being so cute, my wife and daughter know how to pick them. Some dogs were there for surgeries, others were there for other illnesses. Fortunately, we did not have to say out loud the reason for our visit.

We finally get to the back and one thing that had to happen was get her temperature. For humans we get a thermometer put in our mouth, for dogs it goes into a different place, poor Buttercup. I held her during this procedure and she did well. Then after more examination, they needed a sample of her stool. This procedure was a bit more involved and I held Buttercup even closer, poor baby. Who likes medical procedure anyway?

Well the results were negative, which was good news. She was going to get some meds to help with deworming and be fine. My wife reminded me to ask for Buttercups nails to be trimmed, thank you text messaging. We then waiting in the lobby for the prescriptions. There were new owners and new dogs waiting. This love for pets is incredible, I saw all types of people on this visit to the clinic. There were old people, young people, professionals, students, possible gangsters or just wannabes, all ethnic groups, etc. 

All of these people took time out of their schedule to take care of their pets. This is a great type of Love, a Love for pets, animals. The best part of this Love is when the pet reciprocates, this love. Kisses, sitting on my feet while I work at home, walking on me in the morning because it is time to go outside, barking to let me know that strangers are near, sometimes the strangers are on television, but it is still a display of Love. Take care of your pet, if you don’t have one, what is wrong with you? Get a pet, they are worthy of Love. Be worthy of their Love.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve

It is that time. The time that a year ends and a new year begins. It is time for many to make resolutions. A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day.

I have not decided on my resolutions yet, or even if I will set resolutions. I always have things that I can improve, I am not perfect. In the past, I have made resolutions and at times, conveniently forgot what I said or, honestly forgot what I said. Either way as I get slowly get older, I think that some of the old resolutions would have been good to accomplish.

Now it is better to have daily resolutions to accomplish and to keep track. The more important thing is to improve myself, even if it is a small improvement. It is an improvement. As you consider your resolutions, consider what you can improve to be a better you. I will begin the new year with a walk in the park. Then I will take it from there.

Happy New Year!!!

Tejano Juan