Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Build Me Up Buttercup

Build Me Up Buttercup
I took our new puppy, Butter Cup, to the vet this morning. My wife found something crawling in her poop. Not good for the pup, we have only had her for a couple of weeks. A Christmas gift for my wife and our dog, Bentley. He now has a friend to play games like chase you over there, pull this toy, and let’s find paper to shred. 

Buttercup and arrived a few minutes before the clinic opened, like a few others did. It was a cold morning so we waited in heated car. Buttercup did her usual thing, ok, one of her usual things, she cries when she is cold. I made sure to have my hand and arm for her to lean. After a couple of songs on the 80s station, she likes Men at Work, the clinic was not open.

I made sure to wrap Buttercup in a warm blanket, like a football. We walked into the clinic and I signed in for us. Buttercup is new to the clinic so there was some other information to fill out. Buttercup helped me fill in all of the blanks on the paperwork, actually, I made sure that she did not attempt to shred this paper since it was important. So then came the waiting.

There were other dogs with their owners, some big dogs and some medium dogs. Buttercup is tiny compared to them, she is a chiweenie and only three months old. Buttercup did receive compliments from other owners for being so cute, my wife and daughter know how to pick them. Some dogs were there for surgeries, others were there for other illnesses. Fortunately, we did not have to say out loud the reason for our visit.

We finally get to the back and one thing that had to happen was get her temperature. For humans we get a thermometer put in our mouth, for dogs it goes into a different place, poor Buttercup. I held her during this procedure and she did well. Then after more examination, they needed a sample of her stool. This procedure was a bit more involved and I held Buttercup even closer, poor baby. Who likes medical procedure anyway?

Well the results were negative, which was good news. She was going to get some meds to help with deworming and be fine. My wife reminded me to ask for Buttercups nails to be trimmed, thank you text messaging. We then waiting in the lobby for the prescriptions. There were new owners and new dogs waiting. This love for pets is incredible, I saw all types of people on this visit to the clinic. There were old people, young people, professionals, students, possible gangsters or just wannabes, all ethnic groups, etc. 

All of these people took time out of their schedule to take care of their pets. This is a great type of Love, a Love for pets, animals. The best part of this Love is when the pet reciprocates, this love. Kisses, sitting on my feet while I work at home, walking on me in the morning because it is time to go outside, barking to let me know that strangers are near, sometimes the strangers are on television, but it is still a display of Love. Take care of your pet, if you don’t have one, what is wrong with you? Get a pet, they are worthy of Love. Be worthy of their Love.

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